The current DR-2 has an improved machined black Delrin body, which enhances the impact resistance of the assembled instru…

电阻率10-3/103Ω-cm,分辩率为 10-4Ω-cm ,可扩展到105Ω-cm方块电阻10-2?104Ω/□,分辩率为10-3Ω/□,可扩展到106Ω/□薄层金…

The MI-M-101 metal detector was designed specially for finding reinforcing bars and other metal objects embedded in concr…


Tinker & Rasor 牌APS高电压检测仪量程为800V到35KV提供高低两个量程范围:一个是高量程3.5KV至35KV,另一个是低量程800V的到8KV。…

TYSFS1-1052/2绝缘电阻测试仪 TYSFS1-1052/2绝缘电阻测试仪 ME-05381-00

供现场维护技术人员使用的紧凑型真有效值仪表。 是用于广泛的电气和电子测试应用的解决方案。
另外还有 电气测量万用表、带温度…

MP10E-涡流法涂层测厚仪 MC-02009-00


Farwest's Model ES-WT is a watertight rectifier for use in underground utility vaults that are subject to flooding. With …

Sturdy single pole. Ten-foot long steel support structures are provided with units requiring up to four solar panels. All…
