
M / 1型低电压测试仪已作为定位金属或混凝土表面刷薄的保护膜上的裸露处的仪器,广泛被用于腐蚀控制和工业涂装行业。

采用了数/模双显示来显示测试结果,在新设计的宽20mm 的显示屏上用一个弧形模拟指针来表示测试过程,非常形象。

新型数字多用表树立了在困难情况下进行测量的新标准,它具有优异的功能和准确度,可以轻松解决大多数电气故障。 符合 IP 67(防水…

The Over-Voltage Protector design has been established since 1999 as the premier explosion-proof (Division 1) protection …

QuintSonic 超声涂层测厚仪 QuintSonic 超声涂层测厚仪,超声涂层测厚仪 QuintSonic 是新型的便携式无损涂层测厚仪,适用于测量涂…


The Farwest model TR-2 air cooled cathodic protection test rectifier, manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc., is a po…

provide a precise, electronic charge regulator to control battery terminal voltage during charging of 4 V or 6 V or batt…

This is achieved by installing an optimized array of sacrificial anode material (capable of delivering up to 20 Amperes) …

is a VOC free, 100% solids epoxy coating for pipelines operating at higher temperatures. It is a high-build liquid coatin…

are one-piece wraparound sleeves designed for corrosion protection of offshore steel pipelines. Wrapid Sleeve™ cons…