designed for the corrosion protection of field joints, fittings, and specialty piping. The high-tack butyl rubber adhesiv…

The protective coating industry and corrosion engineers are more aware than ever before of the damage that can be caused …

is a flexible padding designed especially for the protection of the corrosion coating on pipelines when rocky backfill is…

Molded Nylon - Non-brittle to withstand extreme shock loads and impact without fracturing. Chemically unaffected by most …

are available in five (5) different sizes to accommodate a wide range of carrier/casing diameter combinations. A unique "…

is a "Very Critical Service" gasket designed for electrical flange insulation and general sealing applications. This gask…

在过去的25年中,吉拉德行业一直致力于帮助运营商清洗各种管道。这种强烈的承诺,引导吉拉德在发展第一产业的专利旋转波莉,猪。 …

Lightweight. Rugged construction. Ergonomic design. Waist belt with water bottle and holder.
Modified to accommodate su…

is an important component of North’s Saf-T-Climb® Ladder Fall Prevention System. The Saf-T-Grip™ Sleeve travel…

管道阴极保护检测桩 管道阴测试桩是一种专门用于管道阴极保护配以电位测试探头对保护管道进行测试的附属设备。

我们提供的铝阳极能够防止海水中钢质结构的腐蚀,广泛应用于 船体、 压水舱、海水管道、港口码头设施、海洋工程、钻井平台、冷凝器…

直通壳安装大会的目的是提供参考电极安装方便特殊潜水STAPERM™。 每个电极来完成一个测试导线接线盒,电极密封系统和3 / 4“…