Heavy duty aluminum case for post or wall mount,Unique opening cabinet for total access to components,Assembly only 13" h…

Designed for use by non-technical personnel, such as crews, servicemen, meter readers, etc., but also suitable for the mo…

Farwest oil cooled cathodic protection rectifiers, manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc., are recognized as industry…

manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc., is a low-cost rectifier option with the same reliability as the Standard air …

A TufBox enclosure is equipped with a stainless steel key that allows quick and easy access. This patented lock is vandal…


The Farwest model TR-2 air cooled cathodic protection test rectifier, manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc., is a po…

Farwest “Standard Line” air cooled cathodic protection rectifiers, manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc., are reco…

Farwest's Model ES-WT is a watertight rectifier for use in underground utility vaults that are subject to flooding. With …

Farwest “W” series auto-potential controlled cathodic protection rectifiers, manufactured by Universal Rectifiers, Inc.…