is a cold applied tape coating system designed for the corrosion protection of field joints, fittings, and specialty pipi…

causes corrosion of rebar and other steel. Chlor*Test "C" is the only complete and easy to use chloride test kit for conc…

is tough, polyvinyl chloride based tape with special high tack adhesive formulated to resist corrosion of metal piping sy…

consists of "wetting" and filming agents, vapor phase inhibitors, alkaline media additives and antibacterial conditioners…

extend to the outside diameter of the flange. They feature precision located bolt holes, to automatically center the gask…

is a unique pre-impregnated, bi-directional fiberglass composite pipe repair system used to repair and reinforce both int…

A vinyl tape is fused into one end of the rubber tape, allowing it to stick to the pipe while it is under pressure. Once …

The Ladder Gate Climb Preventive Shield controls unauthorized access to fixed ladders on tanks, towers, buildings and oth…




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