Tracing distance increased 50 to 100%.
Crystal controlled frequency in both transmitter and receiver. This keeps both t…

The MI-M-97is specially designed for finding buried or paved over valves, boxes, or manhole covers, or any other conceale…

CP Cathodic Protection Voltmeter is a revolutionary instrument for measuring DC structure to earth potentials of various …



The timing cycles are programmed with digital thumb wheel switches. This instrument can be synchronized with the second h…

数字万用表是电子及测试应用紧凑,精干的数字多用表。的15XP - A是正确的选择,现场服务DMM的电子工程师,技术员和。

is a hand-held, clamp-on Ground Resistance Tester which measures ground rod and small grid resistance in any season witho…

Portable, hand-operated instrument requires no external power source - ideal for lab and field use.

The 50/60A Galvanic Isolator is rated for all 50A shore power services, as well as dual 30A shore power services, and has…

is a versatile liquid epoxy for the protection of pipe and metal structures from corrosion in both above and below grade …

is a two-component 100% solids liquid epoxy coating. It is a tough and durable topcoat that provides excellent abrasion r…