土壤电阻率仪器重量轻,准确,操作简单。 它随后又同样很好地电阻率检查现场的土壤或水,或调查工作的详细调查,典型的管道。



The Fisher M-97 is specially designed for finding buried or paved over valves, boxes, or manhole covers, or any other con…


继断器用于在阴极保护中为了满足阴极保护效果的准确评 价,消除由于保护电流引起的IR降。通、断电时间可调。


Requests for a compact, explosion-proof protection device led to the design of the Over Voltage Protector (OVP). With the…


Designed for use by non-technical personnel, such as crews, servicemen, meter readers, etc., but also suitable for the mo…

Each SmartPod can protect a number of discrete subsea structures and can be configured to provide 20 years of cathodic pr…

is a VOC free, 100% solids liquid epoxy coating formulated to be applied over FBE as an abrasion resistant overlay (ARO) …