
MI-M-66 Valve and Box Locator is designed specially for finding buried or paved over valves, boxes or vaults.


The Fisher MI-FX-3 Ferro Probe senses fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field caused by buried survey markers, pipes, …


先进的数字信号处理技术,准确定位 多频操作 自动增益控制,最高灵敏度 被动定位模式(权力及无线电频率)
视听左/右指导 按钮深…

Fisher's NEW XLT-17 is a liquid leak detector that finds leaks in four easy steps: by electronically amplifying leak soun…

Finds reinforcing bars and other metal objects embedded in concrete.Finds conduit, PK nails, wiring, wall studs and other…

Tracing distance increased 50 to 100%.
Crystal controlled frequency in both transmitter and receiver. This keeps both t…

The MI-M-97is specially designed for finding buried or paved over valves, boxes, or manhole covers, or any other conceale…

