provides excellent long-term adhesion and superior mechanical protection properties for subsea pipelines coated with a wi…

provides superior corrosion protection, resistance to soil stress and excellent bonding to polypropylene coated pipelines…

is a high performance heat shrinkable product for sealing pre-insulated pipe joints. It is specifically designed for pipe…

uses high-performance polypropylene technology to provide superior mechanical and corrosion protection of field joints on…

is a specially formulated 100% volume solids(solventless) two component epoxy. As a primer in a three-layer polyethylene …

is a wraparound sleeve with a separate closure designed for corrosion protection of buried and exposed steel pipelines

As part of an underground system, CSF/CSK products electrically isolate pipelines from metallic casings. They can also be…

is designed for corrosion protection of buried and exposed steel pipelines operating up to 60°C (140°F). K-60 consists …

are one-piece wraparound sleeves designed for corrosion protection of offshore steel pipelines. Wrapid Sleeve™ cons…

is a high-performance heat-shrinkable product for the sealing of pre-insulated pipe joints. It is specifically designed f…

Canusa's coating repair products (CRP) for polypropylene (PP) coated pipelines provide excellent adhesion and shear resis…