The Tinker & Rasor Model PRM Peak Reading Voltmeter is designed to measure the peak value of high voltage DC pulses withi…
The 8879-RF/CP cable, pipe, and fault locator offers utility locators three active frequencies -- 815 Hz, 8 kHz, and 82 k…
The 8869 Pathfinder Locating System is a proven instrument for locating utilities within the most demanding of locating e…
The 8831 cable, pipe, and fault locator is a rugged active and passive locator designed to last through years of tough fi…
This economical and dependable Sonde Locator rivals any locator at any price. The single frequency 8846-SD is designed to…
The 8872-SD cable, pipe, camera and Sonde locator offers two active frequencies -- 512 Hz, 51 kHz -- ensuring the ability…
双向开口设计,左右手都能用,超薄钳口可在很窄范围内测量,无金属(铁圈)外露,使用更安全,日本日置HIOKI 3280-20 电流钳表简介:…