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Wizard Plus掌上扭矩仪兼力量分析仪

添加时间:2009-10-22 编辑:07070 阅读:

  • 产品名称:Wizard Plus掌上扭矩仪兼力量分析仪
  • 产品定货号:MC-00691-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
Wizard Plus PDA Torque & Force Analyzer

The Wizard Plus is a CF2 Card that plugs into a Pocket PC or Laptop/PC. The Wizard Plus comes with a CF2 to PCMCIA Adapter. A Pocket PC and Laptop are not included and must be purchased separately.
It can be used for torque calibration, joint testing, auditing or for force and load measurement or verification
Minimum Requirements

Lap top/PC with PCMCIA Slot
- Intel Pentium III Processor
- CD-ROM Drive
- Windows® 2000, XP Pro
- Microsoft® Activesync 3.x or above
- Windows® 98, NT4
- Microsoft® Excel 97 or above

P.D.A. (Personal Digital Assistant)
- with a CF2 Slot
- running Microsoft® Pocket PC of load cells.

 System accuracy +/- 0.5% of reading from 10% to 100%.
 Easy to use “Windows” and “Pocket PC” software for Torque and Force measurement.
 Ideal laboratory system when used with Desktop PC or Laptop.
 Takes calibration to the production line when used with a PDA/Laptop.
 Enables calibration and analysis of hand and power torque tools.
 Two test mode options: SPC testing and ISO 6789 Testting
 Instant on-screen SPC (Statistical Process Control) results from the readings collected.
 Ability to test and produce tool Calibration Certificates to ISO 6789:2003
 Instant graph of Torque vs Time.
 Seamless transfer of data, graphs and SPC results to Microsoft Excel.
 Easy-to-use Menu systems.
 All major units of Torque and Force supported.
 Four mode options - Track, Peak, 1st Peak, and Power Tool.
 Almost infinite memory capacity (dependent on memory of host PDA/PC).
 Compatible with most industry standard Torque and Force Transducers.

Wizard Plus掌上扭矩仪兼力量分析仪The Wizard Plus is a CF2 Card that plugs into a Pocket PC or Laptop/PC. The Wizard Plus comes with a CF2 to PCMCIA Adapter. A Pocket PC and Laptop are not included and must be purchased separately.MC-00691-00
