A complete analysis permits the user an on-site display of the measured parameters, as well as a further detailed managem…

Ideal for public address installation and maintenance

3-1/2 AC Voltmeter is used for applications with 208, 220 or 240 Volt systems.

Uses two separate and modular units: display unit and measuring/interface

Multi-purpose, voltmeter with three ranges(.3/0/3, 0-9 & 0-18 DC Volts) for testing batteries, generators, alternators an…

Inexspensive ammeters for measuring direct current up to 100 Amps.

The most comprehensive portable PQA on the market Catch power quality problems on the fly, band vectors in a single windo…

764-AInduction ammeters are easily applied to battery cable.

Very popular for marine applications, the CK-910/920/and 930 Series panel meters are low cost and have 5% accuracy.

Power-Line Sentinal with a range of 100-140 Volts AC. This portable unit is a free-standing phenoliccase with mounting fe…

7000 -V8 Power Quality and Energy Analyzer

Model 763 Induction Ammeter. Ideal for checking low current applications such as the accessories to the electrical system…