This Europa Plus PATSolutions kit includes everything you need to complete the PAT testing process easily and efficiently…
The ClareHAL Solar multi-function tester has been designed to meet the international standards for PV solar panels and ar…
The PrimeTest 350 PAT Tester PATSolutions kit contains everything you need for effective portable appliance testing house…
This Supernova Elite PATSolutions kit includes everything you need to complete the PAT testing process easily and efficie…
The PrimeTest 250 PATBag is based around the most comprehensive manual PAT tester on the market, featuring 3-phase leakag…
The Seaward PrimeTest 50 PATBag has been designed to offer an all-inclusive solution to basic pass/fail PAT testing.
This kit includes the advanced PowerPlus 1557 multifunction tester which completes built-in 17th edition certificates wit…
The ClareHAL 103, formerly the HAL Combi, contains the four core electrical safety tests required by routine production l…
The ClareHAL 101 is a programmable hipot & DC IR tester. Isolated floating test outputs make it probably the safest hipot…
The Horizon II wiring analyser features a fully updated Windows-based user environment, colour touch-screen, real-time te…
The PowerCheck 1557 is a comprehensive PAT and installation verification checkbox. It carries out ongoing performance che…
★ 在线测定各种气体的露点温度
★ 干燥气体时的保证精度为1PPM
★ 室内空气中一分钟自动校准
★ 大型背光式液晶数…