The Advanced Instruments Model 4250 Single-Sample Cryoscope employs the freezing point depression (FPD) method for the de…

Complete Fluid Dairy Component Analysis with the LactoScope FTIR Advanced from Delta Instruments

Advanced Instruments Fluorophos® ALP Test System, for Determination of Pasteurization in Milk and Juice

The Spiral Biotech Autoplate Spiral Plating System is a microprocessor-controlled Spiral Plater used for bacterial enumer…

The Delta Instruments LactoScope FTIR Advanced can be used to analyze milk and finished cheeses by adding the Cheese Appl…

The Spiral Biotech Anoxomat is a microprocessor-controlled system for creating anaerobic, microaerophilic, and capnophili…

Spiral Biotech’s Color QCount® Colony Counter for Enumerating Chromogenic Media
The Color QCount automated colony c…

Spiral Biotech Autoplate® 4000 Automated Spiral Plater for Accurate Bacterial Enumeration
The Spiral Biotech Autopla…

The SomaScope™ MK II from Delta Instruments is a stand-alone somatic cell counter that combines ease-of-use with lo…

The Advanced Instruments Model 3320 Micro Osmometer determines the osmolality of solutions using freezing point depressio…