The TIF700 dial-type thermometer is low cost, simple, and accurate for day-to-day testing. It includes a pocket clip, sta…

温度计 MB-02916-00
These pocket thermometers include a protective sheath with pocket clip.
Temperature Range/Scale 0º to 220ºF

Field calibratable, interchangeable probes
Custom fitted ABS carrying case
Auto Zero each reading with display update…

System-on-a-Chip SoC technology: compact and lightweight
Backlit LCD display w/ dual readings

SoC (System-on-a-Chip) Technology – Complete IR design incorporated on a single chip, creating compact and lightweight d…

The TIF7000, the original TIF Thermometer, comes with 3 different probes.

数字温度计 MB-02921-00
Celsius or Fahrenheit selectable
Min./Max. and Hold features

4 Channel Differential Thermometer.
· Large, easy to read, backlit display shows T1, T2, T3, T4, and IR.

When used with Robinair’s Model No. 14599 or 14650 Access Valve Core Remover/Installer, this Thermometer provides temper…

Head swivels 180º – easy to see at any angle
Compact size – convenient to carry & store