The instrument software is designed for users with little to no experience with biological testing.
The BioCheck is a fast & simple test kit allowing first responders to rapidly screen
suspicious powder samples for the p…
Prime Alert is comprised of a palm-size reader (a fluorometer) and 5 individual sampling assay kits.
The SmartBio Sensor (SBS) enables real-time detection of biological agents in ambient air.
The use of biological warfare agents presents a potent physical and psychological threat to military forces and civilian …
The threat could be as big as an all out chemical attack or as small as pepper spray, either way the APD 2000® (Advan…
The Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) is a proven product - the first mass produced, reliable hand-held instrument capable of …
The role of the CAM chemical agent monitor can be extended with the addition of a Field Alarm Module (FAM).
The SABRE CENTURION II is a continuous air monitoring system designed to detect and identify a wide range of Chemical War…