The SPUV Sun Photometer measures direct normal solar irradiance at up to ten narrowband wavelengths from 300 in the UV-B …

The SPUV Sun Photometer measures direct normal solar irradiance at up to ten narrowband wavelengths from 300 in the UV-B …

The Model TSP-400 Total Solar Pyranometer is a precision meteorological instrument that measures global (direct and diffu…

The state-of-the-art TSP-700 Total Solar Pyranometer uses platinum resistance thermometers to make high accuracy broadban…

The Model TIR-570 Total Infrared Radiometer represents the state-of-the-art for making precise field measurements of down…

The Model XDR-928 Expendable Digital Radiosonde represents the state-of-the-art for making precise upper air observations…

The Model MET-2010 Precision Meteorological Thermo-Hygrometer is an aspirated thermo-hygrometer with chilled mirror dew p…

The Model PMH-2006 Precision Meteorological Hygrometer is a precision ambient dew/frost point measuring system with chill…

The Model PTU-2000 Meteorological Thermo-Hygrometer is an economical aspirated thermo-hygrometer complete with pressure s…

The Model PMT-2005 Precision Meteorological Thermometer is an aspirated complete precision ambient temperature measuring …