The Buhler Model BA 1000 solid-state oxygen analyzer hasbeen developed for in-situ applications. The cell is selfcontrollingand therefore well- suited for applications in flue gas or similar matrices.
In combustion applications such as process heaters,steam generation boilers or furnaces, the amount of airneeded to reach optimum system efficiency can varyrapidly. The optimum heat rate for these units, which maylie with…
The BA 3000 is designed for the continuous analysis ofoxygen in stationary applications. The unit is ideal for use inprocess, safety or emission control applications. Themeasurement is highly specific to oxygen and gives …
Different measurement combinations are possible. Onechannel may be equipped with a paramagnetic cell,measuring %-range Oxygen, while the second channelmeasures ppm-Oxygen using a Zirconia cell.Another
Optionally, the display can be switched between oxygen orpressure indication. The pressure indication is used tomeasure vacuum in the package
The BA 4510 is based on an advanced, zirconia measurement cell. The highly selective cell combines high mechanical strength with consistent accuracy.With inert gases, the cell delivers an increasing signal if the partial …
The BA 5000 gas analyzer can measure up to 4 gas components
The BA 6000 oxygen analyzer is based on the para-pneumatic principle which is derived from paramagnetic technology. Unlike traditional paramagnetic (dumb-bell) analyzers, this instrument