频闪监测仪,在内部通过旋钮调节; 在外部通过0.5 V ... 30 Vp的正脉冲,脉冲间隔率≤ 1:1,通过0 - 10V模拟电压,或通过5-20mA的模拟电流,闪光频率的范围:内外部控制情况下60-130s-1,测量值显示,4位,7段式LED显示器,高12 mm,红色,浮…
The new hand-held Pocket Strobe® is convenient and accurate device to perform non-contact RPM measurements
The Check-Line Digital Stroboscope is a highly stable, industrial-quality instrument for non-contact RPM measurement as
The Check-Line Digital Stroboscope is a highly stable, industrial-quality instrument for non-contact RPM measurement as
Portable, highly stable and accurate, industrial-quality tools for non-contact RPM measurement, inspection and observation of moving
Portable, highly stable and accurate, industrial-quality tools for non-contact RPM measurement, inspection and observation of moving
Supplied in a high-impact plastic with rubber protective sleeve providing additional protection as well as improved grip for the operator