Measure liquid, gas or steam flow rates in horizontal or vertical pipelines. Armor-Flotm meters handle more aggressive fluids that cannot be measured with See-Flo® due to clarity, pressure or where process also requir…
Here is the precision of a turbine meter with insertion meter ease of use. The low mass non-metallic turbine rotates in direct proportion to fluid velocity and can provide local flow rate and
Here is an easy to install insertion meter with turbine meter accuracy. The low mass non-metallic turbine rotates in direct proportion to fluid velocity and can provide local flow rate and total
Here is the precision of a turbine meter with insertion meter ease of use. The low mass non-metallic turbine rotates in direct proportion to fluid velocity and can provide local flow rate and
The HP-302 is a hand held turbine meter intended for field use. The turbine, when immersed in a flowing stream, rotates at a speed in direct linear proportion to the fluid velocity. A pulse signal is produced with each ro…
水净化/ 分配系统。化学计量系统。激光和焊接。注水系统。半导体生产设备。制冷机和热交换机
保护贵重电子设备不受冷却剂停流损害 .半导体生产设备 .激光 .医学设备 .X光和其它高能管 .焊接机器人
转子仪(又称: 固定金属刮板流量计)表是由一个外壳及内含三个同步旋转的特制转子构成,转子分别安装在三个不同形状的转子室内,仪表内部的组件之间没有金属与金属的直接接触。
Designed for low flowrates, the model P flowmeter is a precision instrument embodying the inherent simplicity, versatility and economy of the classical variable area meter