The Enhanced Eclipse Model 705 is a 24 VDC loop-powered level transmitter based upon the revolutionary Guided Wave Radar (GWR) technology.
Radar has been part of the level measurement market for more than thirty years. The early designs used in tank gauging were heavy, expensive, power-hungry and complex.
Model 82CE transmitter is one of the most cost effective level transmitters available today. Compact in size, it employs state-of-the-art surface mount technology in an encapsulated module for a stable, accurate measureme…
Echotel Model 335 is a four-wire, integtal mount, ultrasonic non-contact transmitter for liquid level, volume, and open channel flow measurement.
Models 344 and 345 are full-featured, ultrasonic non-contact transmitters that provide continuous measurement for liquid level, volume, or open-channel flow applications.
The Enhanced Eclipse Model 705 is a 24 VDC loop-powered level transmitter based upon the revolutionary Guided Wave Radar (GWR) technology.
Choosing the proper Guided Wave Radar (GWR) probe is the most important decision in the application process.
Magnetrol flow switches are highly reliable devices utilized to sense the presence or absence of flow in horizontal pipelines.
。应 用: 液体及固体测量,复杂过程条件。
最大量程: 30m