Echotel Model 910 Level Switches utilize ultrasonic contact technology for measuring level in clean liquid applications.

Modulevel pneumatic liquid level controls are displacer actuated level sensors that provide output signals in direct proportion to changes in liquid level.

The Digital E3 is an advanced, intrinsically safe two-wire instrument utilizing simple buoyancy principle to detect and convert liquid level changes into a stable output signal.

Aurora combines the operating system of a conventional float-based MLI with the leading-edge Eclipse Guided Wave Radar transmitter developed for level measurement applications by Magnetrol. The result is true level-measur…

Gemini’s second chamber facilitates the installation of the Eclipse Guided Wave Radar transmitter, thus providing a totally redundant measurement system.

The Jupiter Magnetostrictive level transmitter provides a 4-20 mA output, proportional to the level being measured.

The Kotron 805 Smart Transmitter is a loop-powered, 24 VDC, liquid-level transmitter based on proven RF Capacitance technology.

The Sentinel Model 804 is a unique, powerful level transmitter. The leading edge microprocessor-based circuitry has nonvolatile memory.

The Digital E3 is an advanced, intrinsically safe two-wire instrument utilizing simple buoyancy principle to detect and convert liquid level changes into a stable output signal.

Modulevel pneumatic liquid level controls are displacer actuated level sensors that provide output signals in direct proportion to changes in liquid level.