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添加时间:2010-5-27 10:32:18 担当:未知 阅读:

  • 产品名称:mt91mt91气体流量计
  • 定货号:GV-00170-00
  • 推荐:
FCI’s MT Series Multipoint Mass Flowmeters are ideal fortoday's most challenging industrial air or gas handling applicationsand continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS). Insidelarge combustion or preheater systems, HVAC units, ducts orflue stacks, MT Series multipoint flowmeters measure flow withexceptional precision under variable thermodynamic conditions.They are an excellent choice for measuring mass flow almostanywhere variable conditions limit single-point flowmeter effectiveness.Harsh environments, in which temperature, vibration,abrasion and corrosion pose difficulties for other meters, are no problem for the rugged MT Series multipoint flowmeters.
Instrument accuracy is available to ± 2% of reading, with repeatability of ± 0.5%.
Key Product Performance Features
_ High accuracy -- up to 16 flow sensing points per meter.
_ Diagnoses duct temperature stratification with dynamictemperature output capability.
_ Wide temperature range from –50° to +850°F [-45° to +454°C].
_ Pressures up to 50 psig [3.4 bar(g)].
_ Continuous built-in testing and calibration adjustment preventdrift for superior repeatability.
_ Averaging filter dampens response to rapid process fluctuations.
_ RS232C serial ports for communication with field devices.
_ Choose 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 or 0 to 10 Vdc outputs.
_ Menu-driven control for ease of service.
_ Rack mountable with card slots for expansion andoption modules.
_ Stainless steel flow element construction; electronicsenclosure rated NEMA/CSA Type 4.
_ Simple maintenance with modular design and interchangeablecomponents.
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