Model 2537A水银监测
添加时间:2010-2-23 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:次
- 产品名称:Model 2537A水银监测
- 产品定货号:MH-02533-00
The Tekran Model 2537 Mercury Vapour Analyzer provides continuous analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM) in air at sub-ng/m3 (parts per trillion (ppt) and parts per quadrillion (ppq)) levels.
The instrument samples air and traps mercury vapour into a cartridge containing an ultra-pure gold adsorbent. The amalgamated mercury is thermally desorbed and detected using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CVAFS). A dual cartridge design allows alternate sampling and desorption, resulting in continuous measurement of the air stream.
Patented dual cartridge design.
Capable of unattended operation for extended periods.
High precision mass flow meter provides accurate measure of total sample volume.
Ultraviolet excitation source is temperature controlled and features closed loop optical intensity control for optimum stability.
Simple menu based operation allows modifications of all operational parameters to suit any monitoring application.