The10 device is a non-invasive ultrasonic flowindicator and switch which is able to monitor process liquidswithout penetrating the surface of the pipe. The sensor issimply attached to the outside of the pipe and measurementsare made through the pipewall. There is no need to drillholes or to perform any welding to install the sensor.Installation time and cost are negligible as a result.
The 10 utilises ultrasonic Doppler technology toprovide cost effective and repeatable switch point outputsfor high or low flow alarm. Ultrasonic pulses are transmittedand received by the unit through the pipewall and into thefluid. Signal reflections from particles and air inclusions inthe liquid cause a frequency shift of the transmitted ultrasoundwhich is proportional to the flow rate of the medium.
The 10 is capable of operating in general purposeflow measurement applications with velocities from 0.3 m/sto 3.5 m/s on many liquids and slurries. It is possible on themajority of liquids, to indicate the flowrate and provide arepeatable switching point on higher or lower than desiredflow.Each unit has ease ofinstallation and calibration as a keyfeature, having a single button set-up with status feedback
during initial calibration from red and green LED's.
投诉电话:13801126385 13911302309