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5000 Series超声波流量计
5000 Series超声波流量计
订货号: MM-36384-00
产地: 美国
开发编号: N
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The EESIFLO 5000 Series range of non-invasive flowmeters utilises ultrasonic technology for the accurate flow measurement of liquids in full pipes.

The field mounted flow transmitter can be configured via the keypad without any additional programming devices and is available as single channel unit.

The measurement of flow is based on the principle that sound waves are influenced by a flowing medium.

Measurements are made by penetrating the pipe with ultrasound and subsequently time differences, frequency variations and phase shifts of the ultrasonic signals are evaluated. This measuring technique has no effect on the flowing liquid. There is no pressure loss in the pipe and no wear on components of the measuring device.

The ultrasonic sensors are clamped onto the outside of the pipe, thus eliminating the need to dismantle the pipework and interrupt the process. The EESIFLO 5000 Series can be applied to any type of standard pipe carrying clean or dirty liquids.


EESIFLO INTERNATIONALPTE,1998年成立于美国,致力于超声波流量计、油中水含量监测仪表的研发、生产和销售服务。经过近十年的发展,EESIFLO已经成为非接触式超声波流量和相…EESIFLO INTERNATIONALPTE,1998年成立于美国,致力于超声波流量计、油中水含量监测仪表的研发、生产和销售服务。经过近十年的发展,EESIFLO已经成为非接触式超声波流量和相关产品的世界知名的专业制造厂商。EESIFLO已通过ISO9001:2000生产企业认证,多年来不断致力于新产品的研发,使得产品始终在技术上处于领先地位。目前其产品在欧洲、美洲、亚洲及太平洋、非洲等二十余个国家成立分机构并已占据稳定的市场份额。EESIFLO研发机构位于瑞典,两个生产厂分别位于德国和新加坡,并在欧洲和亚洲(新加坡)设立了总部。

