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PERMATRAN-W® Model 1/50水蒸气穿透率分析仪
PERMATRAN-W® Model 1/50水蒸气穿透率分析仪
订货号: MM-58211-00
产地: 美国
开发编号: N
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PERMATRAN-W® Model 1/50

MOCON's new PERMATRAN-W Model 1/50 is a low-cost water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) analyzer which give companies who were previously unable to justify the expenditure, the ability to perform in-house permeation with an affordable, robust quality control instrument. An ideal entry level WVTR analyzer for food beverage, pharmaceutical, building material and electronic applications. Conforms to ASTM 398 and TAPPI 523 standards

The PERMATRAN-W Model 1/50 WVTR analyzer is between 30 and 70 percent less expensive than most other units available today. The system is a single-cell, standalone instrument, designed to test medium-to-low barrier film within the range of 0.1-1000 gm/m2 day and less the 65 mil thick. (It can also test coasted paperboard.)

Another complement to the feature-rich technology is that the analyzer is 'fault tolerant' —making it extremely easy-to-operate with minimal training. Further, its rugged construction enables it to withstand the rigorous production floor environment without being damaged.

Two critical factors—temperature and relative humidity (RH) —are what impact permeation. The PERMATRAN-W Model 1/50 has been engineered to quickly and automatically generate relative humidity—a feature which is typically not even found on even more expensive units.

Unlike most other permeation instruments, the PERMATRAN-W Model 1/50 has a small footprint and does not require an additional computer—software is built into the unit. The operator uses a keypad to input the test parameters (which are displayed on an easy-to-read). Parameters can be saved in a Quick Start menu enabling fast startup the next time the material is tested.

Other features include:
Automatic controls for relative humidity, temperature, flow etc
Horizontal test cell
Pneumatic clamp
Printer - standard
Optional add-on PermNet software from MOCON



