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订货号: MM-58130-00
产地: 英国
开发编号: N
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Affordable semi-automated (Click’n’Count) and automated (SuperCount), the aCOLyte colony counting systems greatly improve efficiency, reliability and productivity of total plate count applications.
With Click’n’Count, you just point at each colony, click to count and the data is automatically recorded, saving you time with keying in your results. If you want higher sample throughput, you can choose SuperCount, allowing you to count up to 500 colonies in just one second.
Using both versions of aCOLyte you can count colonies on spread, pour or spiral plates and instantly store your images and results in a professional report format with the time and date recorded for GLP compliance. You can also automatically transfer your numerical data to Excel for further analysis, ensuring that your data is accurate and free from any re-keying errors.

Automatic functions
Rapid colony counting - plates can be typically counted in 1 second with SuperCount
Display of image and results
View the plate in colour with all colonies
Colony separator
Automatically carries out improving accuracy of results
Adjustable sensitivity
Improves the optimal colony detection accuracy
Switchable lighting
Allows for the detection of light and dark media types


PC connection
For standard 90mm petri dishes, smallest detectable colony better than 0.3mm
Long-life upper and lower LED arrays with darkfield and brightfield
Power input
Minimum PC specification
500Mhz Pentium III processor, 128Mb Ram
100Mb available HDD space
CD-ROM drive
Windows XP sp2
2 free USB ports (2.0 recommended)
1024 x 768. 24 bit true colour graphics display
Measurement time for Click’n’Count
Up to 4 colonies per second
Measurement time for SuperCount
Over 500 colonies per second
Detection for Click’n’Count
Point and click
Detection for SuperCount
Fully automatic with manual option


Common environmental applications aCOLyte performs with ease include counting:
E coli on plate count agar
Enterococcus faecalis on plate count agar
Salmonella spp on plate count agar
Mixed organisms on plate count agar or nutrient agar


英国Synbiosis公司成立20多年来一直致力于菌落计数仪的开发和研制,其Acolyte菌落计数仪适用于各种透明和不透明培养基的菌落计数。英国Synbiosis Acolyte全自动菌落成像分析…英国Synbiosis公司成立20多年来一直致力于菌落计数仪的开发和研制,其Acolyte菌落计数仪适用于各种透明和不透明培养基的菌落计数。英国Synbiosis Acolyte全自动菌落成像分析系统,适合研究单位、医院、尤其是检验检疫和质检等机构进行微生物菌落计数分析。广泛用于食品安全、无菌材料检测、灭菌化学试剂效力监测及分子生物学领域,Synbiosis利用其软件强大的数学分析法则适用于各种透明和不透明培养基的菌落计数,计数准确,是现代微生物实验室先进、高效的分析仪。

