TI 25M 超声波测厚仪 | |
订货号:MM-64237-00 |
400-000-1836 分机:810/811 / 815 |
产地:美国 | |
品牌: | |
开发编号: N | |
* 此产品根据配置不同价格不同 * 此价格为参考价格,具体价格以订单合同为准 |
TI-25M Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Gauge |
Measuring Range in Steel 0.025 - 6.00 inches 0.60 - 150.0 mm The new CHECK-LINE TI-25M Wall Thickness Gauge accurately measures wall thickness and the extent of corrosion of all metals, ceramics, glass and most rigid plastics - from only one side! The TI-25M can be used in a Single Thickness Reading mode or in a Scan mode , where the probe is dragged over a large measuring area. The minimum thickness reading recorded during the "scan" will be displayed. The TI-25M probe is waterproof and can be submerged in water. The gauge is impact-resistant and environmentally sealed to provide trouble-free operation under the toughest field conditions. |
定货号 | 产品名称 | 规格配置 / 简介 | 市场价/(会员价) |
MM-64237-00 | TI 25M 超声波测厚仪 | /() |