ORC The Excimer UV Energy Meter UV-M06H能量计, the excimer UV light meter is developed to control illumination by the excimer UV light.
Features Measures (mW/cm2) and total irradiance power (mJ/cm2) Calibrated to NIST standard. RS-232C communication output is equipped to allow easy transmission of measurement data to a PC.
Specifications Sensor model UV-SD172-M06 Wavelength range 150 to 240nm Peak sensitivity wavelength 170nm Measuring intensity range 0.000 to 100.0mW/c Measuring light amount range 0.1 to 19999mJ/c Adjusting accuracy Within ±2.5% of ORC's standard device Repeatability Within ±1.5% at 25 Working temperature range 0 to 50 Power supply Dry cell battery or AC100240V Analog output DC1000mV/full scale Output RS-232C Accessories Sensor with cord/Analog output cord ACadapter/Strage case Dimentions and weight Main unit71(W)×151(D)×29(H)mm Reciever Ø35×19(H)mm/120g