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订货号: MM-47402-00
产地: 加拿大
开发编号: N
  • 销售工程师 褚经理
  • 销售工程师 高经理
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The highly accurate EE32/33 series transmitters are designed for fast and reliable measurement of relative humidity / dew point temperature / absolute humidity / ...under the most demanding conditions.  Neither condensation nor heavy chemical pollutions will affect prompt and reliable measurements. Process pressures as high as 100 bar (1450 psi) and continuous high humidity are also no problem for the EE32/33 series. The core of the EE32/33 series is the new monolithic thin-film measurement cell type manufactured by E+E Elektronik.   The sensor element includes a heater that is periodically activated to burn off dirt and chemicals that otherwise could threaten long-term operation and stability. Chemical contamination and also condensation will actually evaporate due to the innovative design of the HMC1 measurement cell. The monolithic construction of the sensor allows a fast return to normal conditions and a continuation of the measurement.   Additionally, a special corrosion resistant environmental coating is available as an option in very dirty and corrosive envoroments.  (Note the coating will slightly affect sensor response time, typically from 6 seconds to 30 seconds for a T90 measurement. The configuration software included in the scope of supply allows user friendly setup of the operation / sensor heating mode as well as selection and adjustment of the electrical outputs.
The highly accurate EE32/33 series transmitters are designed for fast and reliable measurement of relative humidity / dew point temperature / absolute humidity / ...under the most demanding conditions.  Neither condensation nor heavy chemical pollutions will affect prompt and reliable measurements. Process pressures as high as 100 bar (1450 psi) and continuous high humidity are also no problem for the EE32/33 series. The core of the EE32/33 series is the new monolithic thin-film measurement cell type manufactured by E+E Elektronik.   The sensor element includes a heater that is periodically activated to burn off dirt and chemicals that otherwise could threaten long-term operation and stability. Chemical contamination and also condensation will actually evaporate due to the innovative design of the HMC1 measurement cell. The monolithic construction of the sensor allows a fast return to normal conditions and a continuation of the measurement.   Additionally, a special corrosion resistant environmental coating is available as an option in very dirty and corrosive envoroments.  (Note the coating will slightly affect sensor response time, typically from 6 seconds to 30 seconds for a T90 measurement. The configuration software included in the scope of supply allows user friendly setup of the operation / sensor heating mode as well as selection and adjustment of the electrical outputs.
Wood Kilns
Pharmaceutical and Food Processing
Livestock Applications
Mushroom Farms
Environmental Chambers
Metrology In Harsh Environments
Dirty Or Corrosive Environments
Areas Of Continuous Condensation and High Humidity
Key Features
Rugged, heated monolithic measurement cell, with programmable duty cycle depending on environment
Fast recovery after heating
Heating feature can act as a chemical purge in harsh environments
Range of 0-100% RH, -40 to 356ºF (-40 to 180ºC)
Operates in condensing conditions
Operates in pressures up to 1450 psi (100 bar)
Calculates a wide range of moisture values
Optional sensor coating for harsh environments
Optional Eithernet connection
Optional separate temperature and humidity probes


加拿大AirTest技术有限公司是一家生产、销售各种规格的空气监测技术仪器的企业。AirTest已形成一套独特的传感器技术专门针对具体的成本和性能要求。产品已通过ISO 9001程质量…加拿大AirTest技术有限公司是一家生产、销售各种规格的空气监测技术仪器的企业。AirTest已形成一套独特的传感器技术专门针对具体的成本和性能要求。产品已通过ISO 9001程质量认证,主要产品有气体传感器、气体控制器、温湿度仪探头、可燃气体检测仪等。

