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Millennium II多通道有毒气体检测仪
Millennium II多通道有毒气体检测仪
订货号: MM-45322-00
产地: 加拿大
开发编号: N
  • 销售工程师 褚经理
  • 销售工程师 高经理
  • 1
  • 2
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With it's innovative multi-channel controller technology and state-of-the-art SMART (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) sensors, the Millennium II Series of gas detectors is exceptionally versatile. With the optional dual channel option you can cover more area with a single transmitter and mix and match all sensor types.

Sensors can be easily exchanged, with Infrared, Solid State MOS, Electrochemical and Catalytic Bead sensors available and compatible with both the Millennium II and Millennium II BASIC transmitters. The Millennium II transmitter automatically recognizes any connected pre-calibrated sensor and maintains an uninterrupted digital signal between them, providing leading response times including the fastest response time in the market today for H2S Hydrogen Sulfide gas detection.

The robust housing design offers easy access to the intuitive menu options and non-intrusive calibration commands in Class 1 Div 1 areas via the included external magnet and innovative OLED graphic display. This OLED display is completely unique in the market, providing read-outs that are clearly visible in darkness or bright sun, blistering heat or at temperatures as low as -55°C! The unit still maintains Class 1 Div 2 safety levels during access to the push button controls, manual power switch and test jack outlets. Add our optional intrinsically safe HART port adaptor for access to the built-in data logging and advanced diagnostics, right at the transmitter via a hand-held communicator.

All this amounts to a detector which stands alone in it's simple installation, calibration, and rock solid day-to-day operation. Finally, a line of gas detectors engineered from the ground-up to include all the features managers and operators in the field demand while withstanding the most extreme conditions. The Millennium II Series pushes the boundaries of what you can expect from your detectors.


Net Safety探测设备公司总部在加拿大,专门开发和制造工业安全监控设备,广泛应用于各种工业场合。这些场合的一个极为重要的需求是保卫生命,保护设备,保证生产正常运行,并…Net Safety探测设备公司总部在加拿大,专门开发和制造工业安全监控设备,广泛应用于各种工业场合。这些场合的一个极为重要的需求是保卫生命,保护设备,保证生产正常运行,并符合安全要求。Net Safety就是针对这些需求,并为提供经济可行的解决方案而不懈努力。

