3M2096P100酸性气体异味高效滤棉 | |
订货号:MA-18414-00 |
400-000-1836 分机:867 |
产地:中国 | |
品牌: | |
市场价: | |
* 此产品根据配置不同价格不同 * 此价格为参考价格,具体价格以订单合同为准 |
产品描述: 3M 2096 P100高效滤棉
防护对象: 可过滤各类颗粒物及轻微酸性体异味。
3M™ Particulate Filter 2096, P100, with Nuisance Level Acid Gas Relief 100/Case
Click to Enlarge NIOSH approved for environments containing certain oil and non-oil based particles. 3M recommended for relief against nuisance levels of acid gases.
Use with 3M™ Respirators 5000 Series or 3M™ Cartridge 6000 Series with 3M™ Adapter 502, 3M™ Facepieces 6000 Series or 3M™ Facepieces 7000 Series with bayonet filter holders. When properly fitted, use in a variety of applications including welding, brazing, torch cutting, metal pouring, soldering, and exposure to lead, asbestos, cadmium, arsenic, and MDA for concentrations up to 10 times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) with half facepieces or 50 times PEL with full facepieces. Full facepieces must be quantitatively fit tested to claim assigned protection factor above 10 in negative pressure mode. Also offers nuisance level relief from acid gases that are below the PEL. Nuisance level refers to concentrations not exceeding OSHA PEL or other applicable government occupational exposure limits, whichever is lower. Do not use for respiratory protection against acid gases or in environments that are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
3M ID: 70-0707-1093-7
GTIN(UPC/EAN): 5 00 51138 54295 0。
定货号 | 产品名称 | 规格配置 / 简介 | 市场价/(会员价) |
MA-18414-00 | 3M2096P100酸性气体异味高效滤棉 | /() |