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订货号: MM-29866-00
产地: 美国
开发编号: N
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Accurate, fast, repeatable testing of displacement and force parameters
Test to ASTM standards F1570, F1597, ect. with optional resistance channel
PC-interactive or standalone operation
Provides in-depth test data to fulfill customer requirements
Up to 5000 data points per test
Displays test data in tabular or graphic formats
Versatile test head can be mounted to meet user's needs
Typically reduces test time by 50% or more
Eliminates deflection errors through automatic deflection compensation
The Model 921B may operate in a standalone mode for production line testing. The operator is presented with a pass/fail indication for the devices being tested. The Model 921B may also communicate with a PC and provide data for analysis and storage. The analysis includes numerical (tabular) results as well as graphical display of the tested parameters. This line of displacement-force switch test stations has a positional resolution of 0.0025 mm (0.0001 inches). Your test department will appreciate the high accuracy readings provided over the complete travel range.
The Model 921B data can be saved in a reduced content set of results with only the tested parameters stored. This Excel format file can be the combined total of all the tests performed on a production lot. Each new test is appended to the specified file. The storage is optional and at the operators discretion. A more complete test record can be generated by storing the complete displacement / force / resistance measurements over the travel distance. An Excel format file again is used, but the data in this file is the total measurement collected for a single test. Included in the files are links to each of the associated files. The PC provides coordinates the retrieval and viewing of these independent files. Also available is the test configuration setup in the Model 921B, the test results and the actual measurement data. Used on the production line the data file is not typically saved, but if required the Model 921B and application software is fast enough to store all the collected information.
Interchangeable force sensors with ranges up to 22.7 kg (50 lb.) are available. The Model 921B also permits the user to change the probe tip. The test station performs a calibration on the complete test fixture. This calibration removes the deflection and compression effects that can reduce reading accuracy. The calibration is performed over the range of forces specified for the specifically configured setup.
Invaluable as a test tool for qualifying first article product, audit testing, engineering investigation and life study tests, the Model 921B can also be used in automated production areas. When integrated with an automatic feed or an x-y positioner, the Model 921B functions as a cost-effective automated test station ideal for a wide variety of production applications.
The 921B is provided with a user friendly application software that runs on Microsoft Windows based PCs. The output data is all in Microsoft Excel format files that can be opened by other application supporting this format and allows easy import of data for statistical process control (SPC).
The 921B is one of the most versatile, accurate and cost-effective test stations of its kind. It features accuracy levels equal to or exceeding those of much more expensive, dedicated systems.
Power Requirements
115/220 V ac, 50/60 Hz, 230 VA
Test Speed
As fast as 8 mm/s (0.32 inch/s); as slow as 0.0254 mm/s (0.001 inch/s)
Measurement Units
Metric or English - user selectable
0 to 62.51 mm (0 to 2.46 inches) programmable
0.00254 mm (0.0001 inch) programmable
Abs Accuracy:
±0.00762 mm (±0.0003 inch) max
±0.00762 mm (±0.0003 inch) max
0 to 3.60 kg (0 to 127 oz); other available ranges include 0-75.0 g
0-2.65 oz), 0-360 g (0-12.7 oz), 0-2.00 kg (0-70.6 oz) and 0-22.68 kg
(0-50.0 lb)
1 g (0.035 oz)
Abs Accuracy:
±0.25% of full scale max
±0.1% of full scale max
Tested Parameters
FMAX = actuation force
FRESTORE = FMIN @ release
Tactile ratio = (FMAX - FMIN) / FMAX
FMIN = minimum force


美国TRICOR公司始建于1976年,坐落在埃尔金,是一家生产专业仪器仪表的企业,它的仪表已成为全球标准。 TRICOR的顾客群囊括了众多《财富》全球500强企业,如波音公司、通用电…美国TRICOR公司始建于1976年,坐落在埃尔金,是一家生产专业仪器仪表的企业,它的仪表已成为全球标准。 TRICOR的顾客群囊括了众多《财富》全球500强企业,如波音公司、通用电气、通用汽车、摩托罗拉、霍尼韦尔、汉密尔顿、德州仪器等。TRICOR的成功不是偶然,而是依靠良好的产品质量和优质的服务为基础。

