KD 100-1A
Electronic flow control system for modified atmospheres for flowpack machines in the food industry and for room atmospheres e.g.for the storage of fruit and vegetables.
Cost reduction
saves up to 30% of gas consumption by automatic
regulation of the gas flow until the required oxygen
value has been achieved
the non-destructive gas analysis guarantees quality
of the packages and economy of the production
Easy Operation
simple calibration
maintenance free
easy to read display
High process reliability
Maximum Hygiene
permanent control of the O
splash-proof, robust stainless steel housing
electronic gas supply rate control of the sensor
smooth and easy to clean surface
lockable transparent door for protection of settings
the gas supply is monitored by pressure switches;
a low pressure triggers an alarm (hooter optional)
Interfaces for the documentation and remote transfer of
and a potential-free contact (e.g. to shut down
the settings and measured values
machinery and to avoid quality problems)
independent of pressure fluctuations in the gas supply
independent of packing speeds (MAP)
independent of package sizes (MAP)