防水防尘设计 准确易用 备有多种探头可供选择


温度调节器设计用于Techne® 不加热恒温槽或其他适用的实验室器皿。它们可以精确地加热、循环和安全地控制恒温槽中的液体温度。…

Thermometer for use with Type K Thermocouple Probes

Infrared Thermometer with Laser Sighting

Waterproof Food Thermometer

Comark's RF500 wireless temperature and humidity monitoring system is controlled by the Gateway unit to provide an econom…

Diligence EV data loggers are lightweight and small enough to be used almost anywhere.

Comark's RF500 wireless temperature and humidity monitoring system is controlled by the Gateway unit to provide an econom…

Wireless Humidity and Temperature Transmitter

Use for humidity and temperature measurement in RF500 wireless monitoring systems.

Use for precision temperature measurement in RF500 wireless monitoring systems.