添加时间:2010-9-29 编辑:07065 阅读:次
- 产品名称:干燥皿
- 产品定货号:ML-13420-00
1. 密封性能好,真空维持时间长:抽真空后三十天,真空度变化小于3%
1. Long time vacuum maintenance: Vacuum loss is less than 3% in 30 days.
2. 顶部装有真空指示表,真空状态可以随时观察
2. Real-time vacuum indication: vacuum gauge meter shows vacuum level in real time.
3. 容器不怕摔、不怕碰,可承受真空度剧烈变化,透明度好,重量轻
3. Robust, high optical clarity and light weighted: All contents can be easily viewed through the container(desiccator)'s clear polycarbonate top and bottom. This laboratory grade plastic material is strong and resistant to most common chemicals, sudden pressure change and cleans easily.