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PERMATRAN-W® Model 3/33 Plus自动相对湿度仪

添加时间:2010-5-16 编辑:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:PERMATRAN-W® Model 3/33 Plus自动相对湿度仪
  • 产品定货号:ML-13081-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
PERMATRAN-W® Model 3/33 Plus
Automatic relative humidity generation

PERMATRAN-W Model 3/33 Plus sets the standard for water vapor transmission rate testing of flat films and finished packages.
The Plus is the the next generation, offering all of the features and configurations of the original 3/33 with the advantage of automatic relative humidity generation.
This water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) testing system designed to assess barrier materials used in packaging applications. By testing barrier materials for WVTR under a range of conditions, these systems enable you to select the best packaging material, at the best cost. The data assures that product shelf-life and certain packaging characteristics will be met when introduced to the market.
The PERMATRAN-W Model 3/33 features a series of technological enhancements over prior models, including automatic relative humidity. It is faster and more stable, with increased upper and lower ranges, and 100 times greater sensitivity. These high sensitivity systems perform tests directly at the material's "real world" temperature and relative humidity. (There is no need for salt solutions to select humidity.)
Modular hardware, flexible test-cell configurations and improved easy-to-use software make your barrier testing application simple, accurate and free of subjective decisions.

PERMATRAN-W® Model 3/33 Plus自动相对湿度仪PERMATRAN-W Model 3/33 Plus sets the standard for water vapor transmission rate testing of flat films and finished packages.ML-13081-00
