简易PCR仪 | 梯度PCR仪 | 荧光实时定量PCR仪
食品快速检测仪 | 食品微生物快速检测仪 | 食品安全快速检测箱 | 农药残留检测设备 | 食品卫生/温度监控系统 | 食品安全检测试剂 | 天然毒素检测试剂 | 食物中过敏原试剂 | 食品采样工具
折射仪 | 乳品品质分析仪 | 食品包装气体快速检测仪
OxyTraQ® Permeation System | ||||||||||||
A fast easy to use multi-station oxygen permeation testing system with optional purge rack for conditioning samples.
Engineered specifically for the testing rigid packaging and containers and to allow rapid testing of oxygen barriers and scavengers.
Container Transfer Units allow simple effective exchange between the Purge Rack and the OxyTraQ system.
SmartPurge™ Technology allows the OxyTraQ system to operate at maximum efficiency while protecting both the samples and the oxygen sensors within the device.
OxyTraQ is a registered trade and SmartPurge is a trade mark of Plastic Technologies, Inc. |
产品名称 | 产品简介 | 产品编号 |
OxyTraQ®渗透系统 | A fast easy to use multi-station oxygen permeation testing system with optional purge rack for conditioning samples. | ML-13078-00 |