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添加时间:2010-5-16 编辑:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:OxyTraQ®渗透系统
  • 产品定货号:ML-13078-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
OxyTraQ® Permeation System
A fast easy to use multi-station oxygen permeation testing system with optional purge rack for conditioning samples.
Engineered specifically for the testing rigid packaging and containers and to allow rapid testing of oxygen barriers and scavengers.
When combined with the Container Transfer Unit* (CTU) and optional Purge Rack, significant increases of testing throughput are obtained
6 stations each with its own independent sensor
Reliable and repeatable test platform
Intuitive user-friendly software for setup and operation
Utilizes the innovative SmartPurge™ technology
Container Transfer Units allow simple effective exchange between the Purge Rack and the OxyTraQ system.
SmartPurge™ Technology allows the OxyTraQ system to operate at maximum efficiency while protecting both the samples and the oxygen sensors within the device.
OxyTraQ is a registered trade and SmartPurge is a trade mark of Plastic Technologies, Inc.

OxyTraQ®渗透系统A fast easy to use multi-station oxygen permeation testing system with optional purge rack for conditioning samples. ML-13078-00
