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OpTech™ 02Platinum氧气分析仪

添加时间:2010-5-15 编辑:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:OpTech™ 02Platinum氧气分析仪
  • 产品定货号:ML-13077-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
OpTech™ 02Platinum
A state-of-the art 02 analyzer using optical fluorescence technology setting a new standard for 02 analysis in packages
Leak Detection
Non-destructive shelf-life analysis
Measures dissolved oxygen
High performance - long-life platinum chemistry
Reads values in 0.5 seconds
Range from 0.001 to 30% 02
Complies with ASTM F2714-08
Advantages of platinum chemistry.
Increased range, increased sensitivity, stable in ambient light, less affected by temperature changes, reusable and greatly increased life, visible non-uv light source for simple, accurate aiming.
Cutting edge software:
Store unlimited data points for each test. Run an unlimited number of concurrent tests. Continuously monitor 02- real time. Graph 02% vs time curves as well as transmission rate. Set headspace values with pass/fail limits. Built in temperature and barometric compensation. With bar code, or test number automatically retrieve previous sample data.
CalCard™ Trust MOCON to come up with a break through method of simply calibrating the OpTech. The CalCard. Just select "Calibrate" in the software or read the bar code on the CalCard. Read both oxygen amounts and you're done. It really is as simple as that.

OpTech™ 02Platinum氧气分析仪A state-of-the art 02 analyzer using optical fluorescence technology setting a new standard for 02 analysis in packagesML-13077-00
