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添加时间:2010-1-13 编辑:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:ADAM-MC细胞计数器
  • 产品定货号:ML-07267-00
  • 产地:韩国
  • 推荐:
System principle
The ADAM-MC is a fast alternative to conventional manual counting methods. The principle of the technique used in the ADAM-MC is the well known method of fluorescence microscopy, implemented in a small, highly advanced fluorescence microscope combined with a CCD camera and software-based image analysis. The excitation source is green LED. The emission filter removes all wavelengths from the light emitted from the sample except red fluorescence light. The red fluorescent light from the particles in the sample is focused onto the detector (CCD camera). Then image analysis program counts the red particles to represent the cell number in the sample.
The C-Reader system is applicable to cell viability test, body fluid count and somatic cell count. The C-Reader counts total cell, non-viable cell and body fluid, stained with the DNA-specific fluorescent dye (PI or EtBr).
Loading Volume
Two channel (More accuracy, 60 frames cell images per experiment Easy cell viability test) , Four channel (Low cost, 22 frames cell images per experiment, Easy cell viability test)
» Prior to analysis the sample is mixed with a stain solution.
» recommended for C-Reader chip loading volume
   Two channel : 20 ㎕ . Two channel : 12 ㎕
Analysis Time
Analysis Time :  about 2 min 30 sec
Measure Range
5 x 104 to 4 x 106 cells/㎖
Optimal range in the sample mixture is 4 x 105 to 2 x 106 cells/㎖
Menu-controlled by means of keypad
Operating System : Windows 2000/XP, Windows-compatible computer
USB Interface : Communicate between PC and C-Reader
Odering Information
Weight : 9 kg
Size (WxLxH) : 220 X 375 X 250 mm

ADAM-MC细胞计数器The ADAM-MC is a fast alternative to conventional manual counting methods. ML-07267-00
