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VersaMax ELISA酶标仪

添加时间:2011-3-19 编辑:C065 阅读:

  • 产品名称:VersaMax ELISA酶标仪
  • 产品定货号:ML-14538-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
Enables precise and accurate detection at wavelengths in the visible spectrum without the use of filters, providing consequence-free assay flexibility.
Built around a grating monochromator, the VersaMax™ Absorbance Microplate Reader allows for selection of up to two wavelengths at a time for absorbance detection in the visible wavelength range (340 nm - 850 nm). Narrow bandwidths deliver increased accuracy and enhanced peak resolution. Never order or replace filters to optimize an assay again!
A patented multichannel optical design mimics a dual-beam spectrophotometer, measures each sample in the plate directly, and eliminates error due to variations in light output between optical fibers on other instruments for more reliable reporting. The eight-channel system delivers high precision and speed when reading 96-well microplates for single endpoint measurements and kinetic assay data gathered over time. 
The VersaMax Microplate Reader is supplied with SoftMax® Pro Data Acquistion & Analysis Software, Molecular Devices' industry leading all-in-one data acquisition and analysis software. Additionally, the VersaMax Microplate Reader can be seamlessly integrated with the StakMax® Microlate Handling System through the SoftMax Pro Software.

VersaMax ELISA酶标仪Enables precise and accurate detection at wavelengths in the visible spectrum without the use of filters, providing consequence-free assay flexibility. ML-14538-00
