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添加时间:2010-2-26 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:40/40M火焰检测器
  • 产品定货号:MR-06788-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
The new 40/40M Multi IR Flame Detector is specifically designed for detection of hydrocarbon and hydrogen flames. It detects hydrocarbon-based fuel and gas fires at long distances with the highest immunity to false alarms. The 40/40M IR3 can detect a gasoline pan fire at 215’ (65m) or a hydrogen flame at 100’ (30m) in less than 5 seconds.
The 40/40 Series is the most durable and weather resistant range of flame detectors currently on the market. Its new features include a heated window, to eliminate condensation and icing; HART capabilities, for digital communications; lower power requirements, and a compact, lighter design.
Due to increased reliability, the 40/40 Series warranty period has been extended to 5 years and approved to IEC 61508 Safety Integrity requirements of SIL2

