泰亚赛福 —— 世界领先的检测仪器集成供应商
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添加时间:2009-11-20 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:Gasmaster气体检测仪
  • 产品定货号:MR-02401-00
  • 产地:加拿大
  • 推荐:
Gasmaster is the simple flexible solution wherever you need a self-contained, localised control
panel to monitor gas or fire hazards.It provides outstanding performance, from the office to an off-shore oil rig, due to the choice ofthree models to suit your environment.The beauty of Gasmaster is that it’s simplicity itself to operate but packs a lot of performance. Allfunctionscan be  carried out via push buttons on the front panel. All offer outputs for annunciators, shut downs and datalogging. All have battery backup1 and come with a variety of power inputs.In short, Gasmaster is the flexible controller you can trust.The Gasmaster range has been designed so that allday-to-day functions can be carried out fromthe front panel. Checking and testing Gasmasteris quick and simple because the channel and testmode can be selected via push buttons on the frontpanel. So checking for a particular hazard can be donein a moment.
Maintenance is an easy task as well. Alarm levels,instrument zeroing and calibration are all altered byadjustable controls clearly located on each channel.To help in general operation, Gasmaster has aremote reset facility. Thus when the hazard hasgone the system can be reset, stopping audible alarms at the most convenient point on your site.

