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添加时间:2009-11-19 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:Tetra3个人多气体检测仪
  • 产品定货号:MR-02352-00
  • 产地:加拿大
  • 推荐:
All Tetra 3 instruments are pre-programmed for use with the GasTest Kit and need no special training or equipment to verify that the monitor is working within acceptable limits. The Gas Test Kit provides a simple and convenient means of carrying out either a pre-use (bump) or a simultaneous four gas calibration for flammable gas, oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide.The kit includes a 34 litre gas bottle containing a multi-gas mix witha special ‘Trigger’ regulator, a magnet and a clip-on flow plate, allsupplied in a convenient carry case.Swiping the magnet past the Tetra 3 display initiates a special testmode, then the gas is applied. The Tetra 3 evaluates the responseto the gas and if it is within defined limits the Tetra 3 signals asuccessful test. A test failure brings up an advisory calibrationwarning.If the user performs a manually selected zero prior to test initiationTetra 3 offers the option of running a simultaneous four-gas calibration rather than just a verification test

