泰亚赛福 —— 世界领先的检测仪器集成供应商
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添加时间:2009-10-29 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:i-PEN智能气体传感器
  • 产品定货号:MR-00820-00
  • 产地:德国
  • 推荐:
The gas sensor array systems i-PEN are based on our electronic nose technology. The devices were developed for operation in hostile industrial environments. With a design compatible with an industrial standard (19" euroboard format) a very flexible usage is possible.
The module i-PEN-MOD is based on an array of ten gas sensors, the required electronic circuits with a microprocessor and a serial interface for data transfer to a remote PC. The different sensors are built into a very small sensor chamber. Versions with single and identical sensors which can be positioned at different locations are also available (i-PEN-VS).
The systems were developed as OEM-modules for the integration into analytical measurement systems.

i-PEN智能气体传感器The gas sensor array systems i-PEN are based on our electronic nose technology. The devices were developed for operation in hostile industrial environmentsMR-00820-00
