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添加时间:2009-10-23 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:SB-500-12有毒气体检测仪
  • 产品定货号:MR-00637-00
  • 产地:日本
  • 推荐:
The SB-500-12 is a tin dioxide emiconductor gas sensor which hasan excellent performance in COdetection. Using a mini-bead typesensing element with a periodictemperature change operationmethod, high sensitivity, selectively,small effect from humidity andother remarkable characteristicshave been achieved. The SB-500-12realizes the development of reliableCO detection devices.
Gas sensitive semiconductor material isa mini bead type and a heater coil andelectrode wire are embedded in theelement. The sensing element isinstalled in the metal housing whichuses double stainless steel mesh (100
mesh) in the path of gas flow. Thissensor unit is placed in an externalhousing which contains active charcoalfilter (Fig 1).Operating conditionsWhen the sensor is operated with high/periodic operation (Fig 2), sensorsignal changesaccording to thetemperature dependencycharacteristics. By detecting the sensorsignal at sufficient timings, selectivedetection of CO has been achieved. Fig3 shows the standard operation circuitand FIg 4 shows the sensitivitycharacteristics of the SB-500-12. The SB-500-12 is a tin dioxidesemiconductor gas sensor which hasan excellent performance in COdetection. Using a mini-bead typesensing element with a periodictemperature change operatiomethod, high sensitivity, selectively,small effect from humidity andother remarkable characteristicshave been achieved. The SB-500-12realizes the development of reliableCO detection devices.
Gas sensitive semiconductor material isa mini bead type and a heater coil andelectrode wire are embedded in theelement. The sensing element isinstalled in the metal housing whichuses double stainless steel mesh (100mesh) in the path of gas flow. Thissensor unit is placed in an externalhousing which contains active charcoal
filter (Fig 1).
Operating conditionsWhen the sensor is operated with high/low periodic operation (Fig 2), sensor
signal changes according to thetemperature dependencycharacteristics. By detecting the sensorsignal at sufficient timings, selectivedetection of CO has been achieved. Fig
3 shows the standard operation circuitand FIg 4 shows the sensitivity
characteristics of the SB-500-12.

