switches on and off 2 power
suppliers for : 1-CO2 generator; 1-fan control
adjustment of temperature set point (fan o…
Model EE21 OA
Outside Air RH and Temperature
Can be used as an accurate input to calculate other humidity parameters su…
Outside Air RH and Temperature Probe With Analog and Serial Output
This is a small compact probe that is design as a rep…
all products: can be operated with CT1000, CT2100 Controller to provide 2 5A relays for fan and alarm activation
more c…
gas specific sensor calibrated to specific target gas and desired LEL level.
up to 3 year life
low cost, solid state sensor
non linear output only suitable for on/off control
calibrated to specific target gas and desired LEL level.
up to 3 year life
used to directly activate fans or alarms based on a target concentration of two different gases (e.g. CO and NO2).