
The Tisch family was instrumental in the design of the first TSP sampler in 1954 and has been a pioneer in the air sampli…


Eight Stage Ambient Sampler System Includes: 8 Aluminum Orifice Stages, 8 Stainless Steel Collection Plates, Back up 81mm…


The Hi-Vol PM 2.5 ambient air sampler is designed to provide owners of our TE-6001 PM-10 samplers with the option of retr…

SKC Product Code: 320-100
SKC Rotameter, for use with QuickTake 15 or QuickTake 30 sample pumps. Range: 5-30 L/min


SKC Product Code: 320-5-245
SKC Dual-Ball, Dual-Range Precision Rotameter. Range: 4-49 ml/min. and 24.5-245 ml/min

QC-2A双气路大气采样仪,额定流量 2.5L/min (4500Pa负载);定时范围 1~99min连续可调



SKC Product Code: 303-01-1
SKC precision digital stopwatch, powered by 3 AAA batteries


SKC Product Code: 302-4011
SKC soap film solution, 1 pint, for use with soap film flowmeters


SKC Product Code: 320-5-4600
SKC Dual-Ball, Dual-Range Precision Rotameter. Range: 5-5000 ml/min

PC controlled Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Real Time Monitoring System allowing the networking of several monitoring units, w…

Designed for use in Zone 1 or Zone 2 hazardous areas, the air aspirated systemuses a compressed air driven vacuum generat…


x Stage Ambient Viable Sampler. System includes Six Aluminum Orifice Stages, Silicone O-ring Gaskets, Vacuum Pump Assembl…



PUF for Pesticide Particulate/Vapor Air Sampler: Complete with outdoor anodized aluminum PUF shelter, aluminum blower mot…

Casella VOC Pro是一种用来快速检测和监测空气、水和土壤中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的理想工具。


Complete with anodized aluminum shelter, 8" x 10" stainless steel filter holder, 6" long spool PC with end caps (to hold …


SKC Product Code: 320-235-4600
SKC Dual-Ball, Dual-Range Precision Rotameter. Range: 235-2350 ml/min. and 500-5000 ml/mi…

The Mini IAQ Profile system has been designed to give a visual representation of indoor air quality in buildings, as part…

Designed for use in Zone 1 or Zone 2 hazardous areas, the air aspirated systemuses a compressed air driven vacuum generat…


The series TE-230 provides a simple, accurate, and yet low-cost means of obtaining the particle size distribution and res…

The PGSi is a highly versatile system that can monitor up to 32 separatesample lines on a sequential basis. Operating fro…


The MCERTS Approved SM200 is a combined 40 x filter gravimetric sampler fully meeting the EU/UK CEN 1234-1 Equivalency cr…



Industrial Hygiene Air Sampler: Complete with 10 to II cm-filter holder, flow-meter, integral handle, rubber tipped feet,…