DMC2000 XB放射量测定器
添加时间:2010-2-2 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:次
- 产品名称:DMC2000 XB放射量测定器
- 产品定货号:MB-03452-00
The use of β particle emitters for radiation therapies (treatments of eye tumours, coronary arteries, or inflammatory joint diseases) has significantly increased during recent years, and this has made the use of dedicated β dosimeters essential.
The DMC 2000 XB was designed, to allow simultaneously deep dose equivalent Hp(10) and shallow dose equivalent Hp(0.07) easurements for X, γ and β emissions. Furthermore it can be used as an operational dosimetry system for all
medical risk assessment including radiological exposures, and in addition has applications in
radioactive source production facilities, nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities.